Powerful Network Solutions. Built for Your Business.

SmartBiz connects your business to incredible internet and provides powerful tools to increase productivity, delight customers, and keep your business data secure.


Strengthen Your Network with SmartBiz

Included with all packages:

  • CommandWorx App for Easy Management 
  • Brandable Customer Wi-Fi 
  • Portal Network Access Control 
  • Dedicated POS Connection 
  • Business and Staff Wi-Fi  
  • Network Resilience Internet Backup 
  • Business Network Security 
  • Wi-Fi Content Filtering
  • Symmetrical Fiber Broadband and Wi-Fi 6

Download the CommandWorx User Guide

Small Business Packages



GigaSpire Wi-Fi 6 system.


GigaSpire Wi-Fi 6 system.


GigaSpire Wi-Fi 6 system.


GigaSpire Wi-Fi 6 system.

200/200 Mbps


600/600 Mbps


1 Gig/1 Gig


2 Gig/2 Gig


Voice Line: $24/MonthVoice Line: $24/MonthVoice Line: $24/MonthVoice Line: $24/Month




  • Less than 5 people connect to the internet
  • One or two POS systems
  • Wi-Fi for several guest and business devices
  • Light internet usage, emails, etc.


  • 5-10 people connect to the internet
  • Relies on internet for some business applications 
  • Wi-Fi for staff, customers and business devices
  • Uses the internet for voice calling, emails frequently sent with attachments
  • Heavy POS usage at peak times



  • 10-20 people connect to the internet
  • Seamless video conferencing 
  • Periods of peak internet usage, relies on internet for VOIP calling
  • Manage staff, guest and POS systems with safe and secure managed Wi-Fi
  • Cloud based Security system or cameras
  • Operates an online store


  • 20+ people connect to the internet
  • Growing business that requires fast internet with no interruptions. 
  • Relies heavily on cloud-based business applications
  • Safe and secure guest W-Fi to attract and promote their business 
  • Streaming video to multiple TVs in a lobby or restaurant
  • Upload/download large files/photos on a regular basis
  • Uses a hosted VOIP phone system with a heavy call volume
  • Utilizes social media to advertise and promote business


Photo of young woman in home office

Check Availability in Your Area

Enter your address to see if high-speed internet and voice services are available where you live.