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About Highline Fiber Internet in Nebraska

Highline is a high-speed internet and voice provider that serves previously underserved and unserved communities throughout the United States.

Highline believes everyone deserves access to every opportunity that comes from fully participating in today's digital world. And we are committed to bringing the power of fiber-enabled internet to communities across the U.S.

Area Updates

Contact Troy English or Emily Briggs for more information.

Troy English - Sales Manager

719-491-3350  |  [email protected]

Emily Briggs - Pueblo Community Relations Specialist

719-569-0106  |  [email protected] 

In The Community:

Pueblo Community Relations Specialist Emily Briggs, Operations Manager Matt Moore and Nick DeWitt - Network Technician II/Fiber Splicer, were in town visiting with the residents of the Village of Dix. They provided residents with hot dogs, chips, bottled water and information about Highline. There was a good turnout and the residents seemed excited about Highline in the area. See you next time Village of Dix! 

Pueblo Community Relations Special Emily Briggs and Operations Manager Matt Moore attended the Hotter in Potter festival on Sunday, June 9. They met with residents of Dix, Potter and Kimball to talk about the benefits of Fiber Optic Internet. The sales team will be heading back to Potter at the end of June for the Potter Car Show! See you soon Potter!

Nebraska Updates

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